[AUTHORED BY: CARL DEAN CATABAY] [ANDROID_SYSTEM_ETC] -POWERON_OGG: -Added Hyperion boot sound [ANDROID_SYSTEM_XBIN] -SU: -Updated SU binary to SuperSU binary [ANDROID_SYSTEM_MEDIA] [CREATED BY: RAHADI JALU YOGA UTAMA] -BOOTSAMSUNG_QMG: -Added Hyperion boot animation -BOOTSAMSUNGLOOP_QMG: -Added Hyperion boot loop animation [ANDROID_SYSTEM_MEDIA_VIDEO_SHUTDOWN] [CREATED BY: RAHADI JALU YOGA UTAMA] -SHUTDOWN_QMG: -Added Hyperion shutdown animation [ANDROID_SYSTEM_MEDIA_AUDIO] -ALARMS: -Added alarm tones forked from AOSP 4.3 + CM 10.2 -NOTIFICATIONS: -Added notification tones forked from AOSP 4.3 + CM 10.2 -RINGTONES: -Added ring tones forked from AOSP 4.3 + CM 10.2 -UI: -Added UI tones forked from AOSP 4.3 + CM 10.2 [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP] -SUPERSU_APK: -Added latest SuperSU v1.26 -FMRADIO_APK: -Merged FM radio app with transparent UI -PHONE_APK: -Merged phone app with HD Caller ID and transparent UI [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_AXT9IME_RES_DRAWABLE] -LIST_SELECTOR_BACKGROUND_SELECTALL: -Changed checkbox select all background resource to transparent background [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_SMALI] -STATUS_BAR_SERVICE_SMALI: -Added virtual method AlarmSettings -STATUS_BAR_SERVICE_SMALI: -Added virtual method DateSettings [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_RES_LAYOUT] -STATUS_BAR_EXPANDED_XML: -Added shortcut to set alarm by tapping on clock -STATUS_BAR_EXPANDED_XML: -Added shortcut to change date settings by tapping on date -STATUS_BAR_TRACKING: -Added carrier name -STATUS_BAR_EXPANDED_XML: -Minor notification toggles layout adjustment [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_RES_DRAWABLE] -STAT_SYS_*: -Updated statusbar icon resources forked from AOSP 4.3 SystemUI -STAT_NOTIFY_*: -Updated statusbar notification icon resources forked from AOSP 4.3 SystemUI [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_VOICERECORDER_RES_LAYOUT] -VOICE_RECORDER_SOFTKEY_XML: -Fixed softkey background by changing the background from solid color to image resource [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_BROWSER_RES_VALUES] -STYLE_XML: -Added new color for default background -STYLE_XML: -Changed find floating dialog search bar background image [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_BROWSER_RES_LAYOUT] -EMPTY_HISTORY_XML: -Fixed black text highlight when history list is empty -EMPTY_FOLDERS_XML: -Fixed black text highlight when bookmark folder(s) list is empty -EMPTY_RSS_XML: -Fixed black text highlight when rss list is empty -BROWSER_FIND_XML: -Fixed black background when find floating dialog search bar is activated [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_BROWSER_RES_LAYOUT_LDPI] -ACTIVE_TABS_XML: -Fixed non black background when selecting active tabs from menu in portrait view [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_BROWSER_RES_LAYOUT_LAND_LDPI] -ACTIVE_TABS_XML: -Fixed non black background when selecting active tabs from menu in landscape view [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_BROWSER_RES_DRAWABLE] -WINSET_CREATE_BG: -Change resource to transparent image -WINSET_SELECT_PRESSED: -Change resource to match UI [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_VOICERECORDER_RES_DRAWABLE] -WINSET_SOFTKEY_BG: -Added new image resource for SoftKey -VOICE_REC_CONTROL_BG_BOTTOM_H: -Replaced landscape voice record control background with transparent image resource -VOICE_REC_CONTROL_BG_RIGHT_H: -Replaced landscape voice record control background with transparent image resource -VOICE_REC_CONTROL_BG_BTN_01: -Replaced portrait voice record control background with transparent image resource -VOICERECORDER_PLAY_BOX_BG: -Replaced box background when playing recordings in portrait view -VOICERECORDER_PLAY_BOX_BG_H: -Replaced box background when playing recordings in landscape view -VOICERECORDER_PLAYER_PLAY_BOX_BG: -Replaced recordings player background [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_DIALERTABACTIVITY_RES_LAYOUT] -DETAIL_XML: -Redesigned layout -DETAIL_XML: -Added HD contact photo support -FREQUENT_GRID_ROW_XML -Fixed favorites and frequent photo thumbnail height in grid view [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_DIALERTABACTIVITY_RES_DRAWABLE] -LOGS_DEFAULT_IMAGE_L_PNG: -Replaced imaged resource with HD quality -LOGS_DEFAULT_IMAGE_L_PNG: -Revert commit causing uneven grid view thumbnal height [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_CONTACTS_RES_LAYOUT] -CONTACT_DETAIL_HEADER_NOLINKED_XML: -Redesigned layout -CONTACT_DETAIL_HEADER_NOLINKED_XML: -Added HD contact photo support [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_MEMO_RES_LAYOUT] -MEMO_EDIT_MODE: -Fixed Save and Cancel buttons left aligned in landscape view -CHECK_ACTIVITY: -Fixed messaging attach memo layout where OK and Cancel buttons are left aligned in portrait and landscape mode -CHECK_ACTIVITY: -Adjusted messaging attach memo OK and Cancel button width [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_MEMO_RES_DRAWABLES] -MEMO_SOFTKEY_BUTTON_FOCUS: Changed softkey button resource in portrait view -MEMO_SOFTKEY_BUTTON_FOCUS_H: Changed softkey button resource in landscape view [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_MMS_RES_DRAWABLE] -CB_SELECTALL_BG: -Changed checkbox select all background resource to transparent background [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_MMS_RES_LAYOUT] -SIM_LIST_XML: -Fixed non transparent background in SIM messages list [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_RES_LAYOUT] -TAB_INDICATOR_XML: -Fixed empty tabs in 3rd party apps -TAB_INDICATOR_XML: -Fixed text alignment in tabs -PROGRESS_HORIZONTAL_XML: -Redesigned horizontal progress bar to fix size and alignments -PROGRESS_VOLUME_ADJUST_XML: -Fixed volume adjust layout [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_RES_DRAWABLE] -TITLE_BAR_*: -Fixed non transparent title_bar_portrait, title_bar_medium and title_bar_tall image resource -STAT_SYS_BATTERY_*: -Updated battery icon resources forked from AOSP 4.3 framework -STAT_SYS_BATTERY_CHARGE_*: -Updated battery charging icon resources forked from AOSP 4.3 framework -STAT_SYS_NOTIFY_*: -Updated system notification icons forked from AOSP 4.3 framework -IC_MENU_*: -Updated menu icons forked from AOSP 4.3 framework -*: -Updated other icons forked from AOSP 4.3 framework -*: -Reworked and rescaled buttons, checboxes, dropdowns and radio buttons [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_RES_VALUES] -STYLES_XML@STYLE_WIDGET.SEEKBAR: -Fixed media progress seekbar scrubber size and alignment [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_TWFRAMEWORK_RES_COLOR] -TW_TEXTAPPEARANCE_SOFTKEY: -Fixed softkey text color in normal mode [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_TWFRAMEWORK_RES_DRAWABLE] -TW_SOFTKEYVIEW_BG: -Changed softkey button background resource to transparent background -TW_TAB_DIM: -Changed tab dim background resource to transparent background [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_HYPERION_RES_LAYOUT] -POWER_WIDGET_BUTTON_XML: -Minor height adjustment for toggles [AUTHORED BY: ZION NEAR] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_HYPERION_RES_DRAWABLE] -STAT_*: -Added Hyperion toggles [AUTHORED BY: ARDI SUMARDI] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER] -ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML: -Added support for landscape mode [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER_RES_LAYOUT] -APPLICATION_BOXED_XML: -Set application label setMaxlines value to '1' to display apps label view to one line in portrait view [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER_RES_LAYOUT_LAND] -APPLICATION_BOXED_XML: -Set application label setMaxlines value to '1' to display apps label view to one line in landscape view [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER_RES_VALUES_LDPI] -DIMENS_XML: -Redesigned icon menu layout dimensions in portrait mode [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER_RES_VALUES_LAND_LDPI] -DIMENS_XML: -Redesigned icon menu layout dimensions in landscape mode [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER_RES_XML_LDPI] -DEFAULT_MAINAPPLICATION_ORDER_XML: -Re-ordered default app order in app drawer portrait view -LAUNCHER_CONFIG_XML: -Set max number of icons per page to 16 items in portrait mode -LAUNCHER_CONFIG_XML: -Added support for 4x4 grid size per desktop page in portrait mode [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TOUCHWIZ30LAUNCHER_RES_XML_LAND_LDPI] -DEFAULT_MAINAPPLICATION_ORDER_XML: -Re-ordered default app order in app drawer landscape view -LAUNCHER_CONFIG_XML: -Set max number of icons per page to 16 items in landscape mode -LAUNCHER_CONFIG_XML: -Added support for 4x4 grid size per desktop page in landscape mode [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_SMALI] -POWER_WIDGET_SMALI: -Set default number of toggles from 5 to 6 -LATEST_ITEM_CONTAINER_SMALI: -Added left and right slide out animation -STATUS_BAR_SERVICE_$_8_SMALI: -Additional smali code for StatusBarService [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_RES_ANIM] -SLIDE_OUT_LEFT_BASIC_XML: -Right to left slide out animation -SLIDE_OUT_RIGHT_BASIC_XML: -Left to right slide out animation [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_RES_LAYOUT] -STATUS_BAR_LATEST_EVENTS_XML: -Replaced linear layout with LatestItemContainer so notification can be removed [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_HYPERION_RES_VALUES_IN] -STRING_XML: -Added Indonesian translation for dialog [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -STATUS_BAR_SERVICE_$_STUB_$_PROXY_SMALI: -Added new function code |
HYPERION.GB-DXLL1.BUILD-07 1:01 AM 8/21/2013
[AUTHORED BY: AULIA YUSUF FACREZY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_LAYOUT] -OWNER_INFO_SETTINGS_XML: -Added scroll view to fix landscape view bug [AUTHORED BY: CARL DEAN CATABAY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP] -AUDIOEFFECTSERVICE_APK: -XLoud Effect service -EQUALIZER_APK: -Tabbed equalizer based on DSP Manager [ANDROID_SYSTEM] -BUILD_PROP: -Added XLoud Audio Service Activator -BUILD_PROP: -Added Bravia Engine Hack Activator [ANDROID_SYSTEM_BIN] -BAS_IMAGE_IBEATS: -Added Beats Audio binaries(ibeats, ibeats_solo, ibeats_solo_x) -DYN_IMAGE_IBEATS: Added Beats Audio dynamic range binaries(ibeats, ibeats_solo, ibeats_solo_x) -PEQ_IMAGE_IBEATS: -Added Beats Audio equalizer binaries(ibeats, ibeats_solo, ibeats_solo_x) [ANDROID_SYSTEM_ETC] -SYSTEM_ETC_AUDIO: Added aeqcoe, eqfilter, lmfilter, situation, soundbooster, stream(earpiece, headset, speaker) configs -SYSTEM_ETC_PERMISSIONS: -Added XLoud Service (com.sonyericsson.audioeffectif.xml) permission -AUDIO_EFFECTS_CONF: -Added audio effect configs -AUDIOBTID_CSV: -Added Bluetooth audio service -AUDIOFILTERPLATFORM_CSV: -Added audio platform filter -AUDIOFILTERPRODUCT_CSV: -Added audio product filter -BE_MOVIE: -Added Bravia Engine hack for video playback -BE_PHOTO: -Added Bravia Engine hack for photo -EQFILTER_TXT: -Added equalizer filter config -HP_AUDIO_CSV: -Added headphone audio filter -SOUNDBOOSTER_TXT: -Added soundbooster config [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -SEMC_AUDIOEFFECTIF_JAR: -Added XLoud Audio framework [ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIB] -LIBAUDIOEFFECT_JNI_SO: -Added XLoud Audio Effect lib -LIBBEATSBASS_SO: -Added Beats Audio bass effects lib -LIBBUNDLEWRAPPER_SO -Added bundle wrapper lib -LIBCYANOGEN-DSP_SO: -Added CyanogenMod DSP manager lib -LIBSRSFX_SO: -Added SRS Surround Sound Audio lib -LIBVISUALIZER_SO: -Added visualizer lib -LIBXLOUDWRAPPER_SO: -Added XLound wrapper lib [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_VALUES] -STRINGS_XML: -Added strings containers for translation [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_XML] -ADVANCED_SETTINGS_XML: -Added strings to make it fully translatable -ABOUT_HYPERION_XML: -Added strings to make it fully translatable [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS] -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added Statusbar tweaks -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added Sound effects |
HYPERION.GB-DXLL1.BUILD-06 12:47 PM 8/19/2013
[AUTHORED BY: CARL DEAN CATABAY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_DRAWABLE] -IC_SETTINGS_ADVANCED: -Modified resource icon -IC_SETTINGS_HYPERION_INFO: -Added new Hyperion Info tab resource icon -IC_SETTINGS_OWNER: -Added Owner Profile resource icon -IC_OWNER_PHOTO_DEFAULT: -Added default photo resource image -IC_OWNER_PHOTO_PICKER_NORMAL: -Added photo picker button resource icon -IC_OWNER_PHOTO_PICKER_PRESSED: -Added photo picker button resource icon -BTN_OWNER_NAME_SAVE_NORMAL: -Added name save button resource icon -BTN_OWNER_NAME_SAVE_PRESSED: -Added name save button resource icon -HYPERION_INFO_LOGO: -Added new resource logo [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_LAYOUT] -HYPERION_ABOUT_XML: -Added new resource layout -OWNER_INFO_XML: -Added Owner Profile view in about hyperion activity -OWNER_INFO_SETTINGS_XML: -Added Owner Profile preference layout [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS] -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added Owner Profile Settings -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added CPU Control Settings -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added CPU States Viewer -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added Developer Tools -TAB_ADVANCED_SETTINGS: -Added Network Unlocker tool -TAB_ABOUT_HYPERION: -Added Hyperion Logo -TAB_ABOUT_HYPERION: -Added grouped Hyperion Dev Team preference links -TAB_ABOUT_HYPERION: -Added grouped Hyperion Support preference links [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_ACTIVITIES] [CREDITS TO ORIGINAL AUTHOR: b16h22@XDA] -APP_SETTINGS_OWNER_PROFILE: -Added Owner Profile mod by b16h22 [AUTHORED BY: AULIA YUSUF FACREZY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_ACTIVITY] -ABOUT_ACTIVITY: -Added Hyperion version -ABOUT_ACTIVITY: -Added CPU frequency -ABOUT_ACTIVITY: -Added available RAM [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_XML] -TAB_ABOUT_HYPERION: -Added Dev Team links [AUTHORED BY: ARDI SUMARDI] [CREDITS TO ORIGINAL AUTHOR: madmack@XDA] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -RTL: -added left to right reading everywhere except browser and GMail [ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIB] -ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIB_LIBWEBCORE: -Added left to right reading patch for browser ang GMail app -ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIB_LIBANDROID_RUNTIME: -Added RTL runtime support -ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIB_LIBICUUC-ARABIC: -Added Arabic font shaping lib -ANDROID_SYSTEM_LIB_LIB__BCORE: -Added additional RTL lib (patched) [ANDROID_SYSTEM_FONTS] -DROIDSANSARABIC: -DroidSans Arabic font for Arabic text(s) |
HYPERION.GB-DXLL1.BUILD-05 4:15 PM 7/29/2013
[AUTHORED BY: AULIA YUSUF FACREZY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -PLAT_LOGO_ACTIVITY: -added animation to PlatLogoActivity [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_RES_DRAWABLE] -PLAT_LOGO_ACTIVITY: -added ICS NyanDroid drawables [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS] -TAB_ACTIVITY: -added TabHost -TAB_ACTIVITY: -Added Phone Settings Tab -TAB_ACTIVITY: -Added System Settings Tab -TAB_ACTIVITY: -Added ROM Settings Tab -TAB_HOST: -Added Tab Title -TAB_HOST: -Added Tab Icon(s) -TAB_HOST: -Added Tab Text(s) [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_DRAWABLES] -TAB_SELECTOR: -Added tab selector drawables [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_VALUES] -TAB_STRING_TITLE: -Added tab string titles [AUTHORED BY: CARL DEAN CATABAY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_DRAWABLES] -TAB_SELECTOR: -Changed XML resources to image resources [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_SETTINGS_RES_VALUES] -TAB_STRING_TITLE: -Changed string place holders -TAB_PUBLIC_VALUES: -Corrected public.xml identifiers prior to changes in string placeholders [MERGED] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -ABS_LIST_VIEW: createScrollingCacheEnabled: 0x0 -ABS_LIST_VIEW: initAbsListView: v2 -ABS_LIST_VIEW: setScrollingCacheEnabled: disabled |
HYPERION.GB-DXLL1.BUILD-04 6:41 PM 7/27/2013
[AUTHORED BY: CARL DEAN CATABAY] [ANDROID_FRAMEWORK_RES_DRAWABLE] -STATUSBAR_NOTIFICATION_ICONS: Resized to 25x25px with 2x2px margin [ANDROID_FRAMEWORK_RES_LAYOUT] -LOCKSCREEN: Added keyguard_screen_logo -LOCKSCREEN: Set default clock widget layout to 'centered' -LOCKSCREEN: Resized clock widget hour and minute height to 25.0dip -LOCKSCREEN: Resized clock widget hour and minute width to 17.0di [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -ABS_LIST_VIEW: createScrollingCacheEnabled: 0x0 -ABS_LIST_VIEW: initAbsListView: v2 -ABS_LIST_VIEW: setScrollingCacheEnabled: disabled [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_FRAMEWORK_JAR] -LOCK_PATTERN_VIEW: mDiameterFactor const v2, 0x3dcccccd [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_HYPERION-RES] -WIDGET BUTTON: Set layout background to #00000000 [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_RES_LAYOUT] -HEADER VIEW: Changed time and date left margin to 10.0dip -HEADER VIEW: Changed clear all button right margin to 10.0dip [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR_CLOCK] -CLOCK: Option to hide clock, hide AM/PM, small AM/PM [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_TEXT] -BATTERY: Option to hide battery icon -BATTERY: Option to show battery text -BATTERY: Option to prepend custom string before battery text -BATTERY: Option to append custom string after battery text [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_TWLAUNCHER30_RES_LAYOUT] -DEFAULT_WORKSPACE: Removed default desktop schortcuts -DEFAULT_WORKSPACE: Added custom Protips widget [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_PROTIPS_RES_VALUES_ARRAYS] -TIPS: Added custom tips [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_EDT_RES_LAYOUT] -MAIN_PREFERENCE: Removed useless preference screen entries [ANDROID_PACKAGES_APP_MMS_RES_DRAWABLE] -STATUSBAR_NOTIFICATION_ICONS: Resized to 25x25px with 2x2px margin [AUTHORED BY: AULIA YUSUF FACREZY] [ANDROID_PACKAGES_UID_SYSTEM_EXAMPLE_UCUPUI] -STATUS_BAR_BRIGHTNESS: Swiping the status bar from left to right will increase screen brightness -STATUS_BAR_BRIGHTNESS: Swiping the status bar from right to left will decrease screen brightness [ANDROID_PACKAGES_FRAMEWORK_SERVICES_JAR] -PACKAGE_MANAGER_SERVICE: checkSignaturesLP: disabled |
[COMMITS] -Cherry picked commits from DXLL1 Beta 2.5 |
Hyperion 8 Golden Master Final - PROGRESS
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good going man :)
ReplyDeleteMuch better if hd screen drivers is included like nemesis one hd. Thanx..
ReplyDeleteMan, I've some suggestions:
ReplyDelete1. Explorer : http://goo.gl/l6rle , you can replace the default file explorer with this free root explorer. (Size- 370k )
2. Add system file installer which i find in NEMESIS PHOENIX. It is really very necessary app.
3. Add Smart Voice Recorder and replace the default recorder. http://goo.gl/4xw9B (SIZE:
4. Add AlarmDroid and replace default alarm clock app. I has lots of functionalities. It is really very cool app. http://goo.gl/ErzXa
5. I find a very good weather widget in NEMESIS PHOENIX. It will be nice if you use it in your ROM.
6. Use Digital Clock Widget and replace the system clock widget. (SIZE: 366k)
7. Hacker's Keyboard is better than samsung keyboard. it is light weight and has lots of options.
Best of luck for the final release. :)
awesome rom.. stuck with this rom since last year.. tried another rom but cant stick longer.. now still using hyperion 7 due to i like the setting UI.. also no other icon in setting in the drawer.. that't make i like it so much..
ReplyDeletehope this build also like that, so the drawer didnt mess up like cpu spy, cpu control, droidwall and etc..
good going man...
it will be really great if you add weather updates in notification area just like in Jelly Bean. Hope in the final version, you'll fix the 32 bit transparency bug. It will be much better if every application use their own theme instead of system theme.
ReplyDeletelinkdown load , good lucky . i from vietnamese :D
ReplyDeletei hope in ur next update u put brightness slider
ReplyDeletei like it :))
ReplyDeleteHow to add language to hyperion 8...?
ReplyDelete"Sir Carl is it possible to have an Option to choose for a scroll direction , normal SGY menu scroll is horizontal, can you also put a vertical scroll option to it ?? "
ReplyDeletelink link :))
ReplyDeleteim a huge fan / user of this rom. please dont discontinue this dev. <3 :') keep up the good work!!!
ReplyDeleteStatus bar, please make it cool... carl
ReplyDeletecant wait this version being release.. visiting this blog everyday to see the changelog in progress...
ReplyDeleteSorry guys I am quite busy. I'm trying my best to finish it as soon as possible. Keep an eye on the horizon! :D
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI cant Wait!! hahaha I come here daily to see how is the rom development going! You are the best Carl, Ive fall in love with Hyperion! im so hypnotized that i dont even mind any bug xD!
ReplyDeletewhen wiil the update release~~
ReplyDeletewhen shutting down the phone, the boot screen always go to the landscape mode. it does not look nice.
ReplyDeleteCarl, you is the only developer of Hyperion? i want help with "portuguese - brazil" translation.
ReplyDeleteNot knowing for ever
ReplyDeleteWhen will you finish rebuilding your fastest rom? a huge fan in here :) .
ReplyDeletehe build hyperion from source again to prevent some scratch from older rom version..
ReplyDeletetrying its best without bug or what so ever..
as u can see the changlog.. he make this rom using DXLL source which is DXLF2 before..
I can't wait for the release. Good luck Sir Carl and God speed!
ReplyDeleteHi carl ,
ReplyDeleteYour rom has imperesed me a lot and it is surely the fastest and smoothest rom
iam a tester and i have tested allmost every rom ever build for samsung galaxy y
your rom is allmost perfect and COMPLETE but still some work is needed to be done expectin a lot from final buid
Enough of chit chat now letus go to technical asspects
:- First of all some advices from my side for final build it totally depend on you to take them
On basis of massive experiance of lage no of rom
i would advice you to NOT TO INCLUDE MODS FOR GSM WIFI GPS INTERNET just let it be STOCK because it is rare that these mods work fine the always have some problems (some time stock is gold)
:-please try to build rom with merruk kernel with 1.2 gh overclock or try to make is compatible with it your previous build 02 superuser was not compatible with this kernel
:-if you like you.can look at bug list i posted on download page
Amandeep singh
carl you are surely the best in making custom roms I love and trust all your works. saludo kami sayo pilipino!
ReplyDeleteBro u should better install 3G turbo trick in it too .
ReplyDeleteSir Carl good day. Can I ask you to use this MOD to your upcoming ROM. This is a modified DSP Manager but its a lot more different than we use in the previous Hyperion. Just got heard the big difference using the one which is in hyperion 7x, 7GM 8b1 and 8b2 because the bass effect doesnt seems to work properly. You can also try using a mid or high-end stereo headset. Thanks in advance and more power. SALUDO KAMI SA PILIPINO!
Delete- Sorry i forgot the DL link. So There it is.
Where are the download links for the Build 2.4?
ReplyDeletewhere is download links 2.4 ?
ReplyDeleteAlways getting same SMS two times. and also can not send any SMS. SMS sending fails. SMS bugs found.
ReplyDeleteDude, I love this rom. But a few bugs and suggestionss.
1. When i try to choose wallpaper and click on choose from gallery and select a picture, everything jsut starts blinking and i have to go back to home screen for phone to respond. This doesnt happen always though.
2. The signal bar is always grey even when i have signal
3. Flashlight causes status bar to crash
1. A battery percentage indicator, maybe on lock screen or maybe on status bar.
2. Would like to get option of pop up notification like in pansi sms for the messaging app.
3. In logs app, an option to not display log for messages send
4. In logs app, option to see duration of call.
5. Change notification style. The toggle buttons for wifi etc are too small and hard to use and i find it very hard to swipe the notification bar up when the toggles are open. Please move the toggles upwards and make them little bigger or include an option to do so in settings.
6. When i turn on all animations in display settings of phone, the animation that comes is not so good and feels like its slo. Have seen better animations that make the phone feel far faster. Please consider another varient.
7. Please get a bettter launcher that looks more like jelly bean with better icons and looks. For example like holo launcher.
8. A light weight widget for clock like digi clock widget or sony xperia time widget.
9. Make the font used for time etc in the locker more styled.
10. A better file manager like ""file manager"" from play store or better yet, the type of file manager seen in nemesis rom.
This is a great rom, waiting for updates :)
1. It's problem on your phone, why i say this, cause on my phone is normal
Delete2. The signal bar is grey, why ? it adapted aospa 3+ style and you must know "different" signal strenght color
and all you say upper is bug is Wrong, if you know what's called "bug" may you need to learn more and visit XDA
3. because
"Hyperion is using the original Samsung and Google signatures for all apks in /system"
will remain until Dev modify manifest.xml without changing signature
And Thanks for the suggest ~
Bro upload mo ba sa xda yan..tagal n ako nagiintay sa new hyperion n yan...
ReplyDeleteBro upload mo ba sa xda yan..tagal n ako nagiintay sa new hyperion n yan...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for this! :) Sir Carl, can you please tell us an estimated date on when can you release it? And oh if transparency is also present in this rom I hope some are left non-transparent (only the moment when you play videos actually ^^) and a brightness slider on the notif. tray! Though I think I saw it on the changelog. And please work on the long boot time like the ones on your previous roms. Maybe a ported touchwiz 4 is cool too? Yeah I know I'm asking too much! XD But if you want lots of suggestions I still have more up my sleeves ^^ So yeah! Its your (and the other devs who contribute) creation anyways so do whatever you guys like. Kudos! Keep it up \(^u^)/
ReplyDeleteSend me you suggestions on Facebook or G+! Quick! :D
DeleteSure thing! :)) I've added you on FB sir! The "frog-head" one :P
DeleteEverything looks good and smooth. But I can not used Smart Pro Keyboard, it always FC. Makes me should go back to default keyboard.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carl, Hyperion rocks! :D
Can't wait for the next update! :)
Hoping for the best At the FInal Release.
ReplyDeleteHey there yout rom is awesome but for next time plz
ReplyDelete1) Add stock samsung swype keyboard
2) Stock Browser
And in settings my android version is still 2.3.6 :/
Hyperion 8 Golden Master Final is base DXLL1 ?
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. Carl I have been using hyperion since jaN2013. i have been waiting for the GM build. this is what makes me still interested of my galaxy y until now. thanks for the fantastic ROM
ReplyDeleteAnother suggestion: it would be great to have a "call recording" function enabled.
ReplyDeleteHere's some links that may inspire:
sir carl,why hyperion 8 final golden master base on DXLL?why it not base on DXLF
ReplyDeleteWhere do i get to download the latest build?
ReplyDeleteI find this Latest Update: Hyperion 8 GM FINAL ROM for Samsung Galaxy Y S5360
ReplyDeletehttp://mycoolfundas.blogspot.in/2013/12/hyperion-8-gm-final-rom-for-samsung.html .. Enjoy
do i need to flash the DXLL1 stock rom first before flashing Hyperion 8 to avoid internet problem?